*✅New launch Alisa brand✅*
*?Name:- GLAZO?*
Today we are presenting sarara cataloge for this marriage season...
*Heavy handwork*
*This 6 Design of sarara is in semistich form having Chinon top with Full Diamond hand work & Heavy work full stich Ghghra & Dupatta Embrodery work*
*1-TOP:-Chinon silk long suit With heavy hand work*
*2-INNER:-Attach santun*
*3-Bottom:- Gorgette full stich Sarara with Heavy work & heavy handwork*
*4-Dupatta:-Chinon heavy Dupatta work with lace*
*5-Special:-Heavy work with full stich sarara in freesize with heavy handwork *
*6-Design:- 6 Pcs*
*8-Dispatch:- 01/07/20*
Set to set.
Please order now
Limited stock
*Regards:- ALISA *